Friday, 2 November 2012

Look at your reflection

How long do you spend looking in the mirror each morning? If you are like me then maybe it isn't that lot. But if you do...and if you see a splodge of mud on your clean it off! Seeing what you look like makes you change who you are.

What about a different sort of mirror? How others respond to you?

How people act around us or respond to us can be a mirror for what our personality is like. How you behave will cause a response in others. If you are a bubbly sort of person then you entering the room will probably get a cheery response.If you are an aggressive person maybe people will act a little defensive around you.

Have a look in the mirror this week. Look at your reflection in other peoples reactions.  How do people speak to you? How do they act when they see you? Does this reveal anything new about who you are? What will it cause you to change?

Spending time with God can reveal even more to us about who we are. As we stop in a quiet moment away from the distractions and ask God to speak, he can reveal to us more of who we truly are. We will see parts we need to change and the parts of us that bring God joy.

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