Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Hold out your hands...

Maybe the things that are most precious and bring us most joy can also be a source of worry, a cause to fear. The fear of loosing those things. 

This canal boat near our house has been named 'Precious'. The person who owns it obviously loves it and takes joy from it. To them it is something precious. We each have things like this whether it is an object as big as a boat or as small as a wedding ring or a person; a friend or our children.

Stop today to consider the things you hold close.

Hold your hands out in front of you in an open position.

Imagine in your hands all those things that are important to you. Is it family? Is it meeting with friends? Is it food? Is it sport? Or is it ambition? Read through the following as you consider those things in front of you and what they mean to you.

In our hands we hold what is most special to us.
Consider why they are special. 
What do they add to your life?
Why do you care for them?

We often cling on to these things, 
in the hope that if we cling tightly enough they won't escape.
That somehow we can keep them always. But is that real? 
How much can we hold onto the things we love?

Think about the ways you can protect those things, how you can treat them as precious.

Consider those things you are holding in your hands,
Over the passage of time things will change.
People move on, ambitions may remain un-achieved and desires unfulfilled.
What now, after those things are not there? 

Stop and think what feelings come to mind, when you think of loosing those things? How does that make you want to respond? Are there things you want to change in your life as a result?

The creator of the world holds all things in his hands,
He knows what is precious to us,
All that we hold close he can hold in his hands,
When we give God what is precious to us,
Our hands will be empty to grasp onto his.

What part does God play in your life?

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