The stories that people love are the ones where the little guy, with a really hard start in life goes on to achieve something big. Someone who has experienced hardship in childhood really makes something of themselves. Or someone starts a business on a market stall and ends up with a large corporation. Stories like those of Alan sugar or maybe Richard Branson. People who recognise that it is not about what you have, but what you do with what you have.
As I go about my job it is way too easy to compare myself with other people and I am sure it is the same whatever work you do, whether being a mum or a banker. But comparing what we have with what other people have is pointless because it only leads to being frustrated.
We need to value who we are and not compare ourselves to others. We are each made differently, with different life experiences, education, skills and abilities. We are each unique and if we can grasp hold of this and value who we are then maybe we can each move forward into using to the best of the ability what we have and not being distracted by what others have or are doing
The Bible talks about each of us being knit together by God before we were born (Psalm 139). We are each unique. We have been knit together not to be like someone else or to achieve the same things as other people, but to do unique things in our family or our community or in the world. Comparing ourselves with other people will only end up with us squashing ourselves.
If we can grasp hold of the truth that it is not about 'what we have but what we do with what we have' we will become more accepting of ourselves and move forward as more whole and peaceful people, content with where we are in life and looking forward to seeing where our unique package of gifts and abilities take us.