Tuesday, 19 March 2013

It wasn't me!

I am quite clumsy. I walk through one of those pretty little gifts shops and have to make a conscious effort to make sure I know where all my limbs are so not to knock anything over.

There was a moment a while ago when I was walking back to my table in a coffee shop past the table with all the milk and sugars on. I somehow managed to knock it over and things clattered to the floor.  There was an instant when I stood there, still wondering whether if I just carried on no-one would notice and I wouldn't have to admit it was me.

We have probably all had the experience of when you are talking about a person negatively, and then turning around to find that person standing behind you (or is that just me?)...and then wishing you could curl up and disappear. 

It is hard to admit, a mistake or mess up. It is easier to try and avoid admitting responsibility. If we do make a mistake it is easier to ignore it or make excuses for our screw ups...I'm having a bad day, they wound me up, I am too tired. Excuses that we allow for in ourselves but don't allow for in other people. Jesus points out the fact that it is easier to spot others mistakes than our own:

First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. (Matt 7:5, The Bible)

Often we see the 'best in ourselves and the worst in others' but maybe this should be shifted around and we should 'admit the worst in ourselves and see the best in others'.This could change our perspective on life. Have a positive bias towards other people. When someone offends us or upsets us try and think about why they.This teaching of Jesus has the potential to change our relationships with others.

Maybe when you are offended, frustrated, annoyed by someone this week try to understand the ir behavior. Look at what they are not saying by their actions and figure out why they do what they do. It may bring you to a place of greater empathy. Try and have a positive bias towards other people and their intentions and see how it transforms relationships.