Two people are sawing wood. One person works solidly through the day. the other takes a break for ten minutes every hour. At the end of the day the person who has taken the breaks has cut more wood.
"How can this be" says the other man.
"Every time I took a break", comes the reply, " I sharpened my saw".
(Story from Steve Covey)
Time and space to contemplate and reflect enables us to stay sharp. Working solidly through may seem more effective but this may not be the case. Stopping enables us time to pray, to recapture our vision, helps us to evaluate where we have been and where we are going.
God also think space in our lives to stop is a good idea. One of the first things God said was, "take a day off". Both when he created the world and then later when he gave our his top ten rules for a society (the ten commandments). We are created to need time and space. Whether or not you believe in God this time is important however I believe prayer adds a dimension where we can receive affirmation and direction through connecting with the ultimate creator and power behind the universe.
I used to take the first thirty minutes in each day and sit and pray, sometimes talking, sometimes quiet. I had dropped this as I felt too busy....but a couple of weeks ago I started again. It has not meant my days have gone perfectly but, actually, I think I have been more productive and the space has resulted in me being more creative and inspired.
Have a go for a week then post your thoughts here :-)