Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Play dough, stones and community

As people, in our family life, in our working life, in our Church, in our friendship groups we need to have a hard core and soft edges.

Always be humble and gentle. Patiently put up with each other and love each other. Try your best to let God’s Spirit keep your hearts united. Do this by living at peace. (The Bible, Ephesians 4:2-3)

A hard, stone, core, and soft, play dough edges. 

All of us need to have values that we cannot compromise on that form a solid core within us. Maybe these are that family is a priority, that we should treat others with respect. 

However in a community of people who are not willing to compromise, and who are therefore not humble or patient gentle or loving will constantly be in conflict, we will scrape up against others and hurt them and ourselves. There must be loads of things we are willing to compromise on that form our soft edges. 

A tower made up of hard stones will wobble and fall but a tower of play dough covered stones will stand.

People who are willing to compromise, who act lovingly towards one another, will be able to live, care and work together to greater effect. 

Which of these do you struggle with? How have you seen you inability at it affect the lives of others around you.

Humbleness - Humbleness is not thinking how great I am but looking and seeing other peoples positive qualities.

Patience - Waiting, persevering, not quickly getting frustrated or angry

Gentleness - Gentleness is strength restrained. Each person has power whether in family, work or elsewhere. Do you only exert that power when absolutely necessary.

Love - Love as a choice, not a feeling. Choosing to act lovingly to others whether it benefits us or not. 

What are your core values and what are the things you can compromise on with the people around you.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Look closer

I was walking home today and saw so many things I had never noticed before. When I got home I stopped to look at a leaf I had picked up on the way.

It really struck me how amazing the world is that we are part of. Try thinking through this tomorrow when you are outside or go outside now!

Focus on the leaf, hold it, feel it, it is real, you are real, you are connected with it. Think of how many different things it has going on inside it to make it grow, to give it its colour, the energy stored in it that can give another creature life. It is amazing! And it is only a small part of our world

Focus outwards. Consider the birds of the air, the grass, the sounds. Become aware of all that is around you the wind on your face, the ground beneath your feet, the gravity that keeps you anchored. . What do you see, hear, smell, sense. This world is amazing.

Focus further out. See yourself in global perspective, on a planet spinning, a tiny jewel surrounded by billions of stars, the unimaginable vastness of space. Consider you’re part of a miracle.

Develop a sense of awe at the world you’re in. God’s name echoes around it, his autograph is all over creation. As you think of the world, thank God for the environment he’s given you, the world that sustains you, all that you see and sense.

Psalm 8, from the Bible talks about creation. Chew over some of the words as you go about your day.

God, brilliant Lord, yours is a household name.
Nursing infants gurgle choruses about you; toddlers shout the songs that drown out
enemy talk, and silence atheist babble.
I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewellery, moon
and stars mounted in their settings.
Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a
second look our way?
Yet we’ve so narrowly missed being gods, bright with Eden’s dawn light. You put us in charge of your handcrafted world, repeated to us your Genesis-charge, made us lords of sheep and cattle, even animals out in the wild, birds flying and fish swimming, whales singing in the ocean deeps.
God, brilliant Lord, your name echoes around the world.

(King David, The Message Translation)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Are you a follower or followed?

Most of us follow the culture of our country, follow what other people are doing, the unwritten rules. We only occasionally stop to question it. Only a very small proportion (maybe 2%) actually shape the culture. Are you someone who tries to change things or someone who goes with the flow?

How can we change our world? Is it really possible? To to make a difference may seem impossible, but history proves that is not the case. There are individuals in history who have shaped our world.

The overriding characteristics these culture shapers have are; influence, passion, determination and focus. William Wilberforce, is an example of someone who stood up against the culture of his day. He stood up against the slave trade because he was passionate it was wrong. He was a man whose passion, determination and focus lead him to do great things. He refused to give up, he refused despite pressure to water down his message or to be put off by criticism. Eventually, he brought about change.

What are you passionate about? What injustices do you feel determined to change? You may not have the position that William Wilberforce had but you do have influence somewhere. Whether it is in your home, your workplace, your local school or your neighbourhood, your voice can be heard and can make a difference. You can change the culture of your workplace, of your home, maybe your town!

God desires for injustices to be put right and one day God will put the world right again, and there will be peace and unity of all people. But until that time God calls all people who follow Jesus to bring about change where they are. Christians are told to fight for God's values of honesty, love, care, self sacrifice. Others have caught the vision for a world living in unity and peace though they may not believe in God.

Think about how you can bring about change in your home or work as you listen to John Lenon, Imagine: Click here