As people, in our family life, in our working life, in our Church, in our friendship groups we need to have a hard core and soft edges.
Always be humble and gentle. Patiently put up with each other and love each other. Try your best to let God’s Spirit keep your hearts united. Do this by living at peace. (The Bible, Ephesians 4:2-3)
A hard, stone, core, and soft, play dough edges.
All of us need to have values that we cannot compromise on that form a solid core within us. Maybe these are that family is a priority, that we should treat others with respect.
All of us need to have values that we cannot compromise on that form a solid core within us. Maybe these are that family is a priority, that we should treat others with respect.
However in a community of people who are not willing to compromise, and who are therefore not humble or patient gentle or loving will constantly be in conflict, we will scrape up against others and hurt them and ourselves. There must be loads of things we are willing to compromise on that form our soft edges.
A tower made up of hard stones will wobble and fall but a tower of play dough covered stones will stand.
People who are willing to compromise, who act lovingly towards one another, will be able to live, care and work together to greater effect.
People who are willing to compromise, who act lovingly towards one another, will be able to live, care and work together to greater effect.
Which of these do you struggle with? How have you seen you inability at it affect the lives of others around you.
Humbleness - Humbleness is not thinking how great I am but looking and seeing other peoples positive qualities.
Patience - Waiting, persevering, not quickly getting frustrated or angry
Gentleness - Gentleness is strength restrained. Each person has power whether in family, work or elsewhere. Do you only exert that power when absolutely necessary.
Love - Love as a choice, not a feeling. Choosing to act lovingly to others whether it benefits us or not.
What are your core values and what are the things you can compromise on with the people around you.